
In this how-to article, we will explore how to efficiently process CSV data using SQLite. Subsequently, we'll demonstrate how to access SQLite databases using the USqlStatement class to execute arbitrary SQL commands.


Before we dive into the process, make sure you have SQLite tool binaries for Windows in place. You can download it from the official website ( In this article, we utilize the command-line tool sqlite3.exe.

A note on command-line (CLI) tools for database administration: most database management systems provide command-line tools for performing administrative tasks. Importing large sets of (CSV) data is one example for a task which can be performed very efficiently by a command-line tool. Copying the data to and running the CLI tool directly on the server reduces network traffic and server load by performing a batch import of the data, which is one of the goals to be achieved for this use-case.

Step 1: Importing CSV Data into SQLite​

To process CSV data using SQL, you need to first import the CSV data into an SQLite database. Follow these steps:

Create the import script and store it on drive. In SQLite, you can import a CSV file with tab-separated columns and CRLF-separated rows using the .import command:
   cSql := ""
   cSql += '.mode tabs' + CRLF
   cSql += '.import input.csv mytable' + CRLF
   cSql += '.quit' + CRLF

   MemoWrit( "importtable.sql", cSql )
Create a SQLite database and import the CSV data with the script just created by using the SQLite CLI:
   RunShell( '/C sqlite3.exe file.db ".read "importtable.sql""' )

Step 2: Accessing SQLite Database with the USqlStatement class​

Now that your CSV data is in an SQLite database, you can access it using the Xbase++ USqlStatement class. Follow these steps:

Attach the SQLite database to the USqlStatement class using the :attachDatabase() class method:
   USqlStatement():attachDatabase( "file.db" )
Create a USqlStatement object and prepare an arbitrary SQL statement
   oStmt := UsqlStatement():new()
   oStmt:fromChar( "select * from mytable limit 5;" )
Execute the query. Here we collect the resultset in an array of objects and print their JSon representation:
   oStmt:query(USQL_RESULT_OBJECTS, @aData)

   FOR n := 1 TO Len( aData )
      ? Var2Json( aData[n] )


By importing CSV data into an SQLite database and accessing it using the Xbase++ USqlStatement class, you can efficiently process your data using SQL queries. This approach provides flexibility and the power of SQL to work with your CSV data seamlessly.