The re-implementation of existing legacy software systems often faces significant challenges, and understanding these can illuminate why such projects frequently fail. This little write-up is far from complete but tries to create awareness regarding these important and very often underrated challenges. We will conclude with a comparison of migration strategies with their monetary and risk advantages.

Challenges in Re-Implementation of Legacy Systems​

Understanding Original System Complexity: Legacy systems often evolve over the years, becoming complex and poorly documented. Fully comprehending their functionality, especially the implicit business rules and edge cases, is a monumental task. Re-implementation risks are missing critical nuances, leading to a system that doesn't meet all user needs.

Technological Incompatibilities: Legacy systems might use outdated or obscure technologies. Modern systems using contemporary technologies might not easily support the old system's functionality, causing integration problems and performance issues.

Resource Intensive: Re-implementation requires significant resources, both in terms of skilled personnel and time. Finding experts familiar with old and new technologies is not only challenging and expensive - very often it is simply not possible. In fact, assuming that new developers understand the existing system is a common mistake.

Risk of Downtime and Feature Loss: The process of re-implementation can be disruptive. There's always a risk of extended downtime or feature loss during the transition, which can be catastrophic for business operations. But also for vertical solution developers since the customer benefits from the "re-implementation" are mostly technical driven and therefore not of any short-term end user/customer benefit.

Change Management: Employees are often resistant to change. A new system, even if superior, can face user adoption challenges. The same is true for the existing and new developers engaged in the re-implementation process. Training and managing this transition is a complex, often overlooked aspect.

Budget Overruns and Time Delays: Due to the complexity and unexpected challenges, re-implementation projects frequently exceed budgets and timelines, impacting the overall feasibility.


In summary, while re-implementation might seem appealing for completely modernizing a legacy system, it is fraught with challenges including high costs, technological complexities, risks of feature loss and downtime, and resistance to change. Migration, on the other hand, offers a more cost-effective, lower-risk alternative. It allows businesses to modernize their systems while preserving essential functionalities and minimizing operational disruptions. This approach not only saves money but also reduces the risk profile of the transition, making it a more pragmatic choice in many scenarios.

At Alaska Software we have over a decade of experience working with vertical solution providers or larger in-house teams to develop successful strategies for their existing Clipper or Xbase++ based legacy applications to move forward with minimal disruption while adapting to the latest technologies and standards.

While the goals are different for each project, we have learned a lot about common pitfalls and approaches that are universal. If you want to know more about these non-technical experiences that are more related to a management level - let us know your interest at - if there is enough interest we may start a article series about this non-technical but for a company success even more important topic.
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